Flying Sponsors Second Annual New York City-Area Wings & Wheels Show

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Flying Sponsors Second Annual New York City-Area Wings & Wheels Show


Thousands are expected at the “Salute to Veterans” event at New Jersey’s Essex County Airport October 6 and 7.

Flying once again is sponsoring the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame’s “Salute to Veterans” Wings & Wheels show at Essex County Airport in Northern New Jersey, which will be held this year on Saturday October 6 and Sunday October 7.

The show will include numerous historic aircraft, including the rare Douglas C-54 “Spirit of Freedom” owned and operated by the Berlin Airlift Foundation, plus a TBM Avenger, F4U Corsair and many others. Helicopter rides will be offered both days of the show, as well as tethered hot air balloon rides. Entertainment will be provided by the Victory Belles trio.

Veterans wearing VFW or American Legion caps and active duty military personnel will be admitted free. Adult admission is $15 and children 5-12 and seniors 62 and older $10. Kids under 5 a free. Show cars will be admitted for $20 for one day or $30 for two, and includes admission for all occupants. All proceeds benefit the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame and Museum located at Teterboro Airport.

If you’d like to exhibit your interesting airplane at the show, visit the NJAHOF for details.


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